If it is your desire to produce excellent coffee for the coffee connoisseur or just for friends and family, the more you broaden your knowledge base, the better you will get at perfecting your roast and, therefore, your brew.
Keep your customers coming back for more by giving them the opportunity to expand their experience with fresh-roasted coffee. By packaging coffee on site warm from the roast, one is able to seal the coffee at its peak flavor. Out gas pressure virtually stops the clock. Add to that high capacity pods that can safely accommodate 16 grams of coffee and the result is a brew that will truly rival a pour-over.
Finally, the Gorby pods are 100% compostable. As recently reported in “60 Minutes”, the use of plastics is smothering our oceans and is seriously threatening marine life. The plastic used in the Gorby pods is made from corn starch and is certified 100% compostable.
Contact us today for more information about our G-Pods and the Gorby 1000.