CBD is a cannabidiol, a naturally occurring compound of the cannabis plant. It lacks THC, the compound that causes a “high”, so there are no psychoactive after effects. There’s no dispute, now, that CBD is recognized as serving a medicinal purpose across several states, with a push toward Federal legalization underway. According to Healthline, studies have been conducted that reveals CBD helps reduce seizures, ease the pain of cancer patients, helps in the treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and lessens anxiety and depression.
And you can get it in your coffee.
CBD Coffee Pods
Making your own coffee pods available with CBD can be the next big thing. Single-serve pods are in demand. It’s mainly the convenience of not having to wait for a whole pot of coffee to brew. You can grab your coffee and head out the door in no time at all. Having that cup of freshly brewed coffee first thing makes pods appealing. Incorporating a CBD product helps you by at least two measures: you’re helping your customers access a product they want and need, and you are successfully building your business. It’s a win-win.
Customer Satisfaction
As times change and we evolve, as our laws line up with reality, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. Providing a wonderful roast in pod sizes makes your customers appreciate you. Going one step further, anticipating their desires and offering solutions, earns you a faithful following and ensured success. Producing CBD-enhanced coffee pods finally makes coffee what we knew it was all along — medicinal!
Your Partner in Success
At Gorby Coffee, you are in control. Our Gorby 1000 packaging machine lets you take the reins at a rate of 1000 G-Pods per hour. We don’t produce plastic pods that can hurt the environment, either. CBD or any other flavor can be easily added to the filled pods by using the turntable in two-step mode. They are 100 percent biodegradable and compostable. Get a Gorby 1000 on-site by calling 651-408-5768.